Sunday, September 28, 2008


In class this week we discussed Host David Foster Wallace. It discussed the life of a radio talk show host from california, John Ziegler. It was written unlike any other reading. It had a main text, then side boxes, or notes explaining certain things that were said in the main text. Some boxes had John Zieglers take, some David Foster Wallace's. Basically it was a story about John Ziegler involving his life aas a talk show host and going in depth on things such as : how a radio station functions day-to-day, the advertisement and financial part of it, things Ziegler discusses on air, the censoship, etc. Ziegler was portrayed from Wallace as being a racist, although Zielger himself did not believe he was. He spoke about things such as OJ simpson trial, Kobe Bryant, Nick Berg's beheading and politics. He did not like the mainstream NBC and Fox shows that aired on TV. He has a disregard for racism and women. Another huge thing that was a common theme throughout the piece was PC and censorship with Ziegler. He was very insensitive and did not obey things said "PC". I believd Wallace on the things he said about Ziegler. Ziegler may not have noticed things he said, but Wallce broke down his comments like the example with arguing with the caller darryl about the OJ trial and Zieglers insensitivity towards black people, when zielger himself is white. I think Ziegler just said things that people thought, but would never say. He was not very caring for people other than himself, like the comments he made aobut "us being better than them" referring to the arab world. Don Imus and Rush limbaugh are two radio talk show hosts and they have made headlines for controversial topics. They have been in business for a while now, it seems like radio is the only place to go with minimum censorship because it mostly appeals to people pro, or side with the host that's why they listen to it.

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